There is a story about a teenage girl who dreams to be a famous ballerina. He has spent his time learning to dance throughout her childhood. One day there was a leading ballet teacher who comes to town. He went away and see him.
"I want to be a great ballerina but did not know whether the talent that I have enough support," he said.
The ballet teacher said, "Dance in front of me".
After a few minutes later the teacher shook her head and said, "You do not have the talent to become a ballet dancer reliable".
The girl went home and cried. He threw all his ballet gear and do not want to wear it again. Hose not long before he got married, had children. When her children grown, she worked as a cashier at the store guards near his home.
Several years passed and one day there was the ballet in his town. The girl who has now become a mother to go with the kids and her husband. After the show he accidentally met with the same ballet teacher, who was already eighties. He talked about his life as he showed photographs her children and talked about his work as a shopkeeper.
Then he asked, "Only one who has been disturbing. How could you say if I do not have the talent to be a great ballet dancer? "
"Oh, now I'm thinking of something else. I did not notice you're dancing. That's what I say to all who come ", the teacher replied.
"But ... but ... this can not be accepted! Totally unreasonable. If I knew that I could still be a ballet dancer! "She sobbed.
Most of us give up when faced with adversity or failure. The question is, why do we give up so easily? The point is not failure itself that we fear, but emotions and feelings that accompany failure that we want to avoid.
Perhaps we feel foolish if it fails, feeling ashamed, feeling accepted, feeling desperate. We tend to avoid uncomfortable feelings, but as a result we limit ourselves to move forward.
And when our baby, we never stop learning to walk. Obviously we fell many times. From start to crawl, against the wall until finally able to walk. We fell but got up and tried again. But after we adults why we tend to shy if he fell or failed? Certainly because it was thought that failure is a bad thing. It means we feel like failures if we think that we fail!
So the real failure is only an illusion. A real fear because of the negative perception. Try if we think that the name is a failure to achieve business success - such as babies who do not stop learning to walk - we must never stop trying and find a new way in every business we achieve what we want.
In the age of 65, Colonel Sanders, founder of KFC, had only $ 99 dollars and a piece of fried chicken recipe. He offers a recipe to a lot of people to work with him to make fried chicken restaurant. Guess how many times he was rejected? 1009 times. Until the end of an agreed idea. Now imagine there KFC business in 80 countries and generate billions of dollars of money every year.
Well, if you feel like a failure because of difficulties in your business, please think again. Perhaps you are too quick to draw conclusions. Maybe you can try another way. The key is to never stop trying and always looking for creative new ideas for your business success.
Good luck !
Moral values that can be drawn from the story above is strong Have attitudes to achieve big dreams of become our life purpose. Despite many setbacks and obstacles facing us. And remember a great innovation and change are to be made to pass through three stages, ridiculed, opposed all-out, and received your ... reached the third stage.
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