I acknowledge that the Internet has revolutionized communication, business, trade, politics, entertainment, cultural and many other aspects of our world. But, as new technology always comes with new problems. This is the detailed list of negative consequences from the Internet. I have tried to sort them according to their capacity.
10. Hacking and Data Security
It is difficult to determine whether the Internet has led to confidential data becomes more vulnerable. Someone could easily steal your mail and banking information from your mailbox, because he can hack into your computer through the internet. Thus, more and more people enter the financial information, personal, professional and medical online, the more he is at greater risk.
9. Privacy
Who was the woman who I see with you in the photo up, will I find him on google and see what I found ...
Internet has stripped the extraordinary level pad our privacy. Audio recordings, images and text can be sent and distributed by anyone without legal recourse, especially if posted by anonymous. Tragedy Wikileak recently been shown that there is no single, no matter how high-profile and kemanannya maintain privacy, a safe for leaked.
Some people might say this is a curse while others claim it is a blessing.
8. Computer Viruses and Worms
The Internet has become a breeding ground for waste-such as viruses, worms, trojans and malware spyware.Virus and cause limited damage to operations to kill time, personal resources and wasting nyiakannya.
In 2009, a worm that infects Conficker known as the French navy, the British Ministry of Defence, Royal Navy, the unity of the armed forces of the Federal Republic of Germany, as well as several hospitals and businesses throughout Europe.
It is estimated that the worms are the most expensive for the moment is MyDoom, which spread in 2004. Some claim that this causes a loss of 35 billion U.S. dollars worldwide.
7. Online Sexual Predators
online sexual predators use social networking sites and chat rooms to target goals, and often under-age individuals, Predator will sometimes use false identification and try to lure victims to reveal personal information and to meet them personally.
Shows on NBC 'To Catch a Predator "is an event created to record and decoy sting operation by an online predator
6. Online Addictions
Addictions clearly existed before the Internet. However, some become addicted to the unique with the Center for Internet Addiction Recovery internet.Menurut website (ironic), research has shown that more and more people around the world have become addicted to online activities such as gaming, gambling and browsing.
In 2002, Elizabeth Wooley founded On-Line Gamers Anonymous (Olga) to commemorate his son Shawn, who committed suicide while playing an online game EverQuest.
5. Fraud
Apparently thousands of people worldwide fall victim to internet fraud, lost hundreds of millions of dollars.
There are dozens of variations of this scam all involve the mass distribution of email. A few emails asking for charitable donations tragic events, like earthquakes in Haiti, while others try to connect you to a fake bank sites (phishing).
It is assumed that internet fraud will be a growing industry as the baby-boomers age because we are increasingly more dependent on the internet money transfer
4. Misinformation / Propaganda
Starting from the denial of the disaster, to scare tactics are bizarre, conspiracy theories, libel, honestly, the internet has allowed anyone with a computer to write almost anything they want and distribute it to everyone.
While the actual impact of the wrong information can never be measured, we can see some examples to see how strong the threat is influential. In early 2000, fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger was attacked, when the chain emails began to circulate that he made racist comments on 'Oprah' and that people are invited and encouraged to boycott products fashion. Despite the fact that Hilfiger did not appear on Oprah, or make a comment, but an email chain that continues to unfold.
In 2007, he appeared on Oprah because the situation has become so horrible, to deny a false statement. I believe this type of misinformation have a major impact on its business, and attacked his integrity.
3. Cyber Black Market
Cyber-Black Market is a market where illegal goods are traded or sold. I know what you might think - pirated music, software, movies, and televisi.Meskipun not cause financial loss to the entertainment and software industry, copyright infringement is not necessarily the title as the plague.
Cyber Black Market is much more evil as envisaged. endangered animals, animal remains, human trafficking for sex and weapons online all traded.
A BBC report in 2005 stated that items such as baby chimps, tortoise shell and rhinoceros horn has changed hands online. Even the popular trading sites like Craigslist has become a way for human sex trafficking.
Read Malika Saada Saar, executive director Rebecca Project for the 'article' Human Rights Craig, Please Listen to Us' on the impact on victims of Cyber Dark Market.
2. Vituperation and abuse Cyber
Chat rooms, message boards, and social networking sites that made into a new place for swearing and melcehkan victims. The crab and pemaki can only hide behind the veil of their computer screens and even remain anonymous, while their victims were injured and even tortured.
Imagine a personal secret, gossip, or defamatory comments are lowering your intregitas, distributed to all your colleagues.
Or, imagine you are bombarded with messages full of hatred and threats every day. This is the victim of cyber-bullying and harassment persist.
Cyber-bullying was brought to international attention in the media when the child is 13 years old American Megan Meier hanged herself in her closet after his parents he was cursed by online.Penyelidikan show that Lori Evans, mother of one of Megan's former friend, had made a fake MySpace account that has been sending harassing messages to Megan.
1. Child Pornography / Exploitation
Abuse and exploitation of children is abhorrent acts that are physically and emotionally will membekaskan injury to the child who polos.Anak-ank-child, even younger than two years, has dperlakukan with a terrible wrong to the satisfaction of the sick soul. And the gravity, if there is demand for things like that, some people will volunteer to provide it.
According to the U.S. Department of Justice, the distribution of child pornography almost "completely eradicated" in the mid-1980s. But the creation and success of the Internet have reversed this position. Currently, child pornography is a multi-billion dollar industry and, according to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, is one of the fastest growing Internet industry. In fact, the NCMEC claims that "20% of all pornography on the Internet involves children."
Relative ease of transferring pictures with digital cameras, the ability to communicate anonymously and online payments are so easy, as easy distribute it to the masses, causing a large proportion of child pornography into a nearly unstoppable.
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